She was born May 12, 2000, a Friday, at 12:11 noontime. My first born is a baby girl. Hubby and I are both excited upon knowing my pregnancy nine months after our wedding. It’s a mixed emotion of happiness and fear. Happiness on the fact that the much awaited pregnancy is here and soon we will have our first angel in the house. A feeling of fear on how the pregnancy will be and the baby.

The pregnancy went well. I was working that time in a radio network company. On the first 3 months, it’s kind of hard to wake up in the morning but I do not vomit. I love eating nuts, fish and veggies but not so much of chicken, pork and meat. On the fourth month and onwards everything went manageable. With my ob-gyne, Dr. Valen Co, I gave birth at Chinese General Hospital that Friday noon. The labor time is quite long since it is my first pregnancy and the pain was really excruciating. But the pain and the hardships were gone after seeing my baby girl.
Her name is Ysabel Nicole.
Ysabel (from Isabel) is a Spanish origin name which means “consecrated to God” while
Nicole is a Greek origin name meaning “people of victory.” She is turning 10 this May 12 and an incoming Grade 4 student at
St. Matthew College. She started her schooling at
Virgen del Pilar School from Nursery to Preparatory where she is a consistent TOP 1 student from the said three levels. We transferred her to St. Matthew College as incoming Grade 1 on 2007. In this school, she was able to maintain her honors and continue doing well on her studies.
This is our Nicole, Ysabel to some friends and teachers.
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